Wednesday 30 November 2011

Disperse ...Definitions

a. To drive off or scatter in different directions: The police dispersed the crowd.
b. To strew or distribute widely: The airplane dispersed the leaflets over the city.
2. To cause to vanish or disappear. See Synonyms at scatter.
3. To disseminate (knowledge, for example).
4. To separate (light) into spectral rays.
5. To distribute (particles) evenly throughout a medium.
6. To separate and move in different directions; scatter: The crowd dispersed once the concert ended.
7. To break up and vanish; dissipate: The storm clouds had dispersed by noon.

8. to dissipate or cause to dissipate
9. to leave or cause to leave a gathering, often in a random manner
10. to separate or be separated by dispersion
11. (Electronics & Computer Science / Communications & Information) (tr) to diffuse or spread (news, information, etc.)
12. (Chemistry) to separate (particles) throughout a solid, liquid, or gas, as in the formation of a suspension or colloid

    1. dis·perse
      adjective /disˈpərs/ 

      1. Denoting a phase dispersed in another phase, as in a colloid
        • - emulsions should be examined after storage for droplet size of the disperse phase
      verb /disˈpərs/ 
      dispersed, past participle; dispersed, past tense; disperses, 3rd person singular present; dispersing, present participle

      1. Distribute or spread over a wide area
        • - storms can disperse seeds via high altitudes
        • - camping sites could be dispersed among trees so as to be out of sight
      2. Go or cause to go in different directions or to different destinations
        • - the crowd dispersed
        • - the police used tear gas to disperse the protesters
      3. Cause (gas, smoke, mist, or cloud) to thin out and eventually disappear
        • - winds dispersed the bomb's radioactive cloud high in the atmosphere
      4. Thin out and disappear
        • - the earlier mist had dispersed
      5. Divide (light) into constituents of different wavelengths
        • Distribute (small particles) uniformly in a medium

    Web definitions
    • scatter: distribute loosely; "He scattered gun powder under the wagon"

    • to cause to separate and go in different directions; "She waved her hand and scattered the crowds"

    • break up: cause to separate; "break up kidney stones"; "disperse particles"

    • move away from each other; "The crowds dispersed"; "The children scattered in all directions when the teacher approached";

    • separate (light) into spectral rays; "the prosm disperses light"

    • circulate: cause to become widely known; "spread information"; "circulate a rumor"; "broadcast the news"

    • Disperse is a Christian Rock band from Southern Indiana. The band was formerly known, with an adjusted roster, as "Stuff."

    • (Dispersal (ecology)) Biological dispersal refers to a species movement away from an existing population or away from the parent organism. ...

    • (Dispersion (chemistry)) A dispersion is a system in which particles are dispersed in a continuous phase of a different composition (or state). See also emulsion. ...

    • (Dispersion (finance, asset management)) Dispersion is a measure for the statistical distribution of portfolio returns. It is the asset-weighted standard deviation of individual portfolio returns within a comparable client group (composite) from the composite return.

    • (Dispersion (materials science)) In materials science, dispersion is the fraction of atoms of a material exposed to the surface. In general: where D is the dispersion, NS is the number of surface atoms and NT is the total number of atoms of the material. ...

    • (Dispersion (physics)) In optics, dispersion is the phenomenon in which the phase velocity of a wave depends on its frequency, or alternatively when the group velocity depends on the frequency. Media having such a property are termed dispersive media. ...

    • To scatter in different directions; To break up and disappear; to dissipate; To disseminate; To separate rays of light etc. according to wavelength; to refract; To distribute throughout

    • (dispersement) Common misspelling of disbursement

    • (Dispersed) Finely divided or colloidal in nature, such as pigment particles completely separated in a binder as compared with several pigments particles stuck to one another.

    • (Dispersed) characterized by farmers living on individual farms isolated from neighbors rather than alongside other farmers in the area.

    • (Dispersement) Separation of a quantity.

    • (Dispersal) The movement of a young bird from the site where it hatched to the site where it will breed. Natal dispersal is the permanent movement of young birds from their birth sites to their own breeding locations. ...

    • (Dispersal) the act of organisms moving from one habitat to another

    • (DISPERSAL) When an animal leaves an area and does not return. See also migration.

    • (Dispersal (or Disperse)) the spread of a species, population, or individual's offspring over time

    • (Dispersal) Fungi are dispersed in a variety of ways. It is usually said that most fungi are dispersed by air currents, although studies of airborne fungi using spore traps usually report a limited number of species. ...

    • (Dispersal) The movement of an organism from the area where it was born and reared (its natal home range) to an area that may provide the necessary habitat conditions for establishing an adult home range. ...

    • (Dispersal) The process in which young wolves leave their packs to form new ones.

    • (Dispersal) Transport of spores to other sites.

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